Mummies of Nasca
Congress of the Republic of Mexico

The second public hearing dedicated to the “Regulation of unidentified abnormal phenomena” at the Congress of the Republic of Mexico, under the aegis of Deputy Sergio Carlos Gutiérrez Luna, took place on November 7, 2023. It was mainly devoted to “Mummies of Nasca”. The University of San Luis Gonzaga de Ica and several experts presented the results of their studies. Between the first and second hearing, no less than 16 specialists spoke on this subject. All conclude that the mummies are authentic and confirm that their origin is unknown.

Rafael Arcángel Berrocal Ramos – Peru

Constitutional lawyer


What you must remember

He particularly focused on the legal vacuum surrounding this type of archaeological relics and the need to create laws to protect them.

Thierry Jamin – France/Peru

President of the Inkarri Cusco Institute


What you must remember

Thierry Jamin has documented the history of the Nazca mummies affair since 2016.

Three notable points from his intervention:

  • 3D reconstruction from DICOM of the reptilian mummy Artemis
  • presentation of a short video sent by a resident of the Nazca/Palpa region. We see an apparently hybrid being
  • steps for opening a museum.

David Willy Ruiz Vela – Peru

Plastic surgeon
Forensic pathologist
Former President of the Faculty of Medicine of Peru
Member of the New York Academy of Sciences


What you must remember

There is no artificial technique to create these bodies. These were examined by dozens of radiologists from Peru. We couldn’t create these bodies without leaving important clues. He is a plastic surgeon, he performs hand and foot reconstruction, post-accident, he practices microsurgery. So, for him, in the case of a deception, even a very elaborate one, it would be detectable on X-rays and even more so on HD scanners. There would always be traces, even small ones. Here, this is not the case.

These bodies are real (e.g. evidence of an entry into the eggs to nourish the embryo, as well as a placental area and the remains of nutrient elements which were undoubtedly intended for the development of the eggs).

Victoria’s furcula: she underwent surgery because she had a fracture. This procedure is old and has healed. There is, in fact, post-surgery ossification. Something impossible to achieve centuries or millennia ago.

Concerning Victoria’s neck, Dr. Ruiz also highlighted the existence of biological material between the vertebrae of the neck to allow the elongation or retraction of the neck, as in turtles.

He assures that these beings were indeed alive and that they lived well on Earth. The reason for their disappearance is unknown. Perhaps they have not been able to adapt to the conditions of our planet?

He protests against the attitude of the Peruvian Ministry of Culture which extrapolates on all mummies from what is obviously only a ritual doll. He considers this attitude unprofessional and childish.

Concerning the two mummies seized by Peruvian customs at the airport, some of his contacts informed him that they would have dismembered the bodies, in order to see what was inside. No scientific protocol was respected. Regarding the eggs, they would have said that it would only be “calcite”! Obviously ! Since these are centuries-old eggs, it can’t be anything else. It’s as ridiculous as saying that a dinosaur bone is not bone but stone. After millions of years of fossilization, biological matter petrifies. This is the normal process of fossils…

He regrets the lack of resources and the attitude of the authorities which harms the Peruvian people.

Celestino Adolfo Piotti – Argentina

Occupational physician
Forensic anthropologist and archaeologist of the Federal Courts of the City of Cordoba
Author of publications of scientific works and expert opinions on medical physical anthropology, human evolution, archeology and occupational medicine


What you must remember

The “little grays”, in proportion, have a more developed brain than ours. Maria would be the last link in human evolution, before the advent of a new species such as small “humanoid reptilians”.

Celestino, by extrapolating the progression of man according to Darwin’s scale, concludes that these beings correspond to what we will become in 3 million years! They are beings neither from the past nor from the present, but from the future. For Dr. Piotti, the non-human mummies of Nasca would be our distant descendants, and not relics of the past.

Roger Zuñiga Avilès – Peru

Anthropologist from the San Luis Gonzaga University of Ica
Director of the Nasca Mummies Research Project.


What you must remember


Surface examination which shows no falsification. The skin is “normal”
Taking samples from the head, thorax and femur. Comparison of the DNA of the 3 samples: they belong to the same individual. During the intercostal swab, they saw an organ that appears to be the liver. Currently under analysis.
Taking a sample of the head mass, DNA analysis does not correspond to humans or other known animals.


Collection of material from inside an egg. Analysis: it’s very organic!
Embryos inside eggs.

Luisa’s metal implant

Discovery of osmium in Luisa’s implant. It is a very rare metal which was only officially discovered in 1803. These beings had it with them more than a thousand years ago. It is a metal harmful to humans.

*: information: the radiodensity of bones varies from 700 to 3000 HU.

Irvin Zúniga Almora – Peru

Surgeon and dental surgeon


And this also shows that the individuals were alive at the time of the operation, since the body clearly reacted to the implantation of these objects. The Doctor actually insists on the fact that these plates are not stuck. Doctors of the time had to have advanced technology to find a way to fuse these objects.

Some implants are made of 95.5% silver, with the presence of a little silicon. A purity unknown at the time and very difficult to achieve today.

What you must remember

He was particularly interested in metal plates. He discovered that these plaques were not simply “stuck” to the skin, but had literally fused with the “host body”, in an incredible process of “bio-integration”.

Dr. Irvin Zuñiga explains that when one of these plates was removed, there was a whole bunch of flesh that came with it, as if the metal had fused with the body. Naturally, no traces of glue or modern chemical elements were detected. Dr. Irvin Zuñiga draws parallels with modern medical techniques of implanting metal objects to repair the human body, such as dental implants. And it shows how our organism appropriates, or colonizes, the implanted object. He observed the same process with the metal objects discovered on these mummies. This therefore implies the use of advanced medical technology more than a thousand years ago.

Edgar Martín Hernández – Peru

Specialist in oral and maxilofacial radiology


What you must remember


She has human and non-human characteristics.

Its hands and feet have three fingers and five phalanges toes. Creation of tridactyl feet from a human foot? IMPOSSIBLE ! it shows ! Same for the hands.


Its cranial cavity is natural: it has not been artificially deformed. Artificial cranial deformations change the distribution of the brain in the skull, but they do not increase the volume of the skull. However, Maria has 19% cranial capacity greater than normal.
His bones are massive.

Maria’s eyeballs are projected forward and have not been artificially enlarged, as part of a modern fraud. This is their actual size. The eyeballs are intact. They have not been planed by counterfeiters. The eyes have two eyelids: an upper and a lower.

Maria’s heel is different from that of humans; Maria had to stand and walk leaning forward.

Maria has things in common with Homo Sapiens, but she has differences: she could be a hybrid. The bones of the forearms are widely spaced. This characteristic is not found in humans, but more in the gorilla.

The hypothesis of hybridization 1,750 years ago constitutes a real mystery. There is still much to investigate.

Dr Mesa – Mexico

Director of the National Polytechnic Institute (Instituto Politécnico Nacional – Escuela Superior de Ingeniera Química e Industrias Extractivas)

What you must remember

They carried out the study in Mexico City of Clara implants using a SEM scanning electron microscope on October 25, 2023. Clara’s plate is made almost exclusively of silver, more than 95%, which is incompatible with metallurgical techniques. used in Peru in its Antiquity. This object must therefore necessarily have been developed by an intelligent being. This supposes a technological development incompatible with the empirical techniques of the time.

It is therefore reasonable to think that this plate, made of almost pure metal, must have had a technological use. Traces of silicon were found in this plate. Associated with silver, this alloy reinforces the hypothesis of a technological use.

During the time of the Nascas or Incas, silver was mainly mixed with gold and copper alloys. We never find it pure.

The presence of silver chloride was also found on this plate. It is a chemical component that is toxic to humans. The fact of finding this element in a plate attached to Clara’s thorax shows that this object was not intended for humans, because it would have caused severe intoxication in him. Unlike Titanium, for example, silver oxidizes. Finally, note that silver is one of the most electrically conductive metals on Earth.

Annushka Malpartido Caviedes – Peru

Forensic expert
Orthodontics and maxillary orthopedics
Professor at the University of Cusco

What you must remember

Maria would have seen a dentist 10 to 15 years before her death! We can indeed see the carrying out of “modern” dental work on Maria’s teeth. Indeed, some of her teeth show that they have undergone the intervention of a dental specialist. Maria got her 32 teeth. But she lost 9. She used her teeth like tools. His teeth are in relatively poor condition.

She compares the cross section of Maria’s skull with that of a “normal” human skull: the bone of Maria’s skull appears much thicker than in Homo Sapiens.

The doctor also confirms that Maria’s skull is natural and has not been artificially deformed.

His feet have not been manipulated.

Maria would rather be a male aged 30 to 40 years old. The gender doubt remains.

Ricardo Rangel Martínez – Mexico

Biologist, specialist in biotechnology
Specialized in regenerative medicine and advanced cell therapy research

What you must remember

Maria‘s deep DNA Analysis

The massive sequencing of Maria shows that it would have been genetically designed 2000 years ago… Maria would be a hybrid of Homo Sapiens (30.22% of genes), of Chimpanzee, of Bonobo (4.7% of genes of these large African primates) and an “unknown relative”. Maria would thus have four different types of genes. It is impossible that this is some sort of natural “mutation”. “Someone” must be at the origin of this genetic manipulation, around 1,750 years ago. The biologist speaks of a complex process of artificial hybridization.

Maria might be a male. It is difficult to determine this with certainty. This difficulty can perhaps be explained by hybridization. Maria’s bones appear robust, like those of great apes.

Daniel D. Mendoza Vizarreta – Peru

Retired radiologist
Former professor of medicine at the San Luis Gonzaga University of Ica

What you must remember

Suyay (Hope in Quechua)

Dr. Mendoza took the first x-rays of this new specimen, 36.35 cm tall and which has four eggs in its abdomen. This could be a new, unknown species. A small elongated head, without mandibles. Presence of two small wings, or “proto-wings” in the dorsal part. For Dr. Mendoza, this body appears authentic. It has no lungs, no rib cage. He (apparently) only has one spine. (Salamanders do not have lungs. They breathe through their skin. There is even a species of turtle that breathes through its anus.)

The little reptilians

He observes the presence of marrow, therefore of beings who have lived.


She would have suffered from a lung disease, such as tuberculosis.

Finally, Doctor Mendoza reports that he received a consultation in the 70s and 80s with a patient who only had 3 fingers on her hands!


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